Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pizza for the Economy Slump

I could buy a pizza for dinner. Or I could get gas. Or pay my electricity bill. Or buy my dog food.

It just seems like $15 is a little steep for a pizza that I won't even finish eating. So...I created a fast and extremely cheap alternative:
Cracker Pizzas.

ingredients (pay attention now... don't want to lose you in the list..)

Saltine Crackers
Pepperoni slices
Cheddar cheese (or mozzarella, provolone, gouda, whatever)

Place two slices of pepperoni on each cracker (I think I used 11, which turned out to be about 2 too many). Cut a small slice of cheese (not bigger than the pepperoni) and set it on top of the cracker.

Put in the oven on 350 until cheese is sufficiently melted.

voila. Cracker Pizza. If you wanna feel like a kid again, drink a Crappy Sun with it.

1 comment:

Diane said...

As Callie might say...."Mmmmmmm!"
Prett ingenious, I must say.